Benefits & Perks

Exploring Health Insurance Deductibles vs. Out-of-Pocket Expenses

Explore the differences between deductibles vs out of pocket expenses, how they impact your healthcare costs and how to pick the best plan for you.

Blog Author - Keertana Anandraj
Keertana Anandraj
Feb 12, 20244 minutes
Blog Author - Keertana Anandraj
Keertana Anandraj

Keertana Anandraj is a part-time freelance writer and full-time sustainability analyst. Before Justworks, she began her freelance career writing for The Financial Diet and Career Contessa. She currently resides in New York City.

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Health Insurance Deductible vs. Out of Pocket Image

In the ever-evolving world of health insurance, understanding the details can feel like deciphering a complex code. Two key components that often leave people scratching their heads are health insurance deductibles and out-of-pocket expenses. Here we will explore these terms, how they impact your healthcare costs, and how to make informed decisions when selecting a plan that suits your needs.

What is a Health Insurance Deductible?

Think of a health insurance deductible as the upfront cost you're responsible for before your insurance kicks in. It's like the admission fee to healthcare, and until you've paid that amount out of your own pocket, your insurance won't start covering your medical expenses.

How Does a Health Insurance Deductible Work?

Suppose your health insurance plan has a $1,000 deductible. You injure yourself and rack up $1,500 in medical bills. In this scenario, you would pay the first $1,000, and your insurance would cover the remaining $500. Once you've hit your deductible for the year, your insurance becomes more active in covering subsequent medical expenses.

Types of Health Insurance Deductibles

When we begin to dive deeper into deductibles, there are a few types to be aware of:

  1. Individual Deductible: The amount an individual must pay before insurance starts covering expenses for that individual.

  2. Family Deductible: The total amount a family must pay before insurance kicks in for any family member. This can be met through one family member's expenses or a combination of family members.

  3. Embedded Deductible: Some family plans have an embedded deductible, meaning there's an individual deductible for each family member, but once one person reaches their individual deductible, their expenses are covered even if the overall family deductible hasn't been met.

What are Out-of-Pocket Expenses?

Out-of-pocket expenses encompass all the costs you incur for medical services that aren't covered by your insurance. This includes expenses beyond your deductible, such as copayments and coinsurance.

How do Out-of-Pocket Expenses Work?

Once you've met your deductible, you might assume your healthcare will be fully covered. But hold on—out-of-pocket expenses come into play. Copayments (fixed amounts for specific services) and coinsurance (a percentage of the total cost) may come into play. For instance, if your plan has a 20% coinsurance rate, you would be responsible for paying 20% of covered expenses, even after meeting your deductible.

Let’s return to the scenario of a $1,500 medical bill with a $1,000 deductible…suppose now you have a 20% coinsurance rate. In this case, you are responsible for the first $1,000 and your insurance company will only cover the remaining 80% of your medical bill. So instead of covering the full $500 as in the scenario above, they would only cover $400 and your total out-of-pocket expense for the injury is $1,100.

However, you are only responsible for paying out-of-pocket expenses until you have met your out-of-pocket maximum for the year. This is the maximum amount of money that you will have to pay for medical expenses in a given year. After you have reached this threshold, your insurance company will cover 100% of your medical expenses for the rest of the year.

Types of Out-of-Pocket Expenses

There are various types of expenses that will not be covered by insurance, so here are some of the out-of-pocket expenses you can expect:

  • Copayments: Fixed amounts you pay for certain services, like doctor visits or prescriptions.

  • Coinsurance: A percentage of the total cost of a covered healthcare service that you're responsible for. A 20% coinsurance means that you are responsible for paying 20% of the cost of a medical service and your insurance company will pay 80%.

  • Prescription Costs: Out-of-pocket expenses for medications, which can vary depending on the drug and your insurance plan.

  • Deductible: As mentioned above, this is the amount you must pay before your insurance company will start covering your medical expenses.

How Deductibles and Out-of-Pocket Expenses Affect Your Health Insurance Cost

When choosing a healthcare plan, you will have the option to choose a plan with a lower deductible or a higher deductible. Choosing a plan with a lower deductible often comes with higher monthly premiums. It's a trade-off—you pay more upfront to lessen the financial hit when you need medical care.

But, there’s good news: out-of-pocket maximums are like your financial safety net. Once you've hit this limit for the year, your insurance covers all covered expenses, offering protection against catastrophic medical costs.

Consider Your Healthcare Needs When Choosing a Plan

When selecting a health insurance plan, it's crucial to assess your own health and potential medical needs. If you anticipate frequent doctor visits or ongoing prescription medications, a plan with higher premiums and lower out-of-pocket costs might be beneficial. On the other hand, if you're generally healthy and don't foresee regular medical expenses, a plan with lower premiums and a higher deductible may be more cost-effective.

How Justworks Can Help

Navigating the complexities of health insurance can be a challenging feat, but fear not—Justworks is here to simplify the journey. Justworks is a PEO, which allows small businesses to access insurance options typically only available to larger businesses but at discounted rates. Justworks pairs health insurance with other health-related benefits, such as teletherapy, allowing employees to access a premium benefits package. 

Whether you're looking to understand the intricacies of deductibles and out-of-pocket expenses or seeking a plan that aligns with your unique healthcare needs, Justworks provides the support and tools you need to make informed decisions. After all, your health is the greatest wealth, and a well-chosen health insurance plan is the key to safeguarding it. Get started today!

This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, legal or tax advice. If you have any legal or tax questions regarding this content or related issues, then you should consult with your professional legal or tax advisor.
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Written By
Blog Author - Keertana Anandraj
Keertana Anandraj
Feb 12, 20244 minutes

Keertana Anandraj is a part-time freelance writer and full-time sustainability analyst. Before Justworks, she began her freelance career writing for The Financial Diet and Career Contessa. She currently resides in New York City.

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