Managing a Team

Need Help Hiring and Managing Remote Employees? Download our Guide

Remote work has become an essential component of today’s workplace. Our ebook reveals what you need to know to recruit, manage, and lead remote teams.

Blog Author - Justworks
May 13, 20212 minutes
Blog Author - Justworks

Justworks is a technology company that levels the playing field for all small businesses. Through our software and as a partner, we help our customers take care of their teams, streamline their operations, and navigate the complex aspects of managing a workforce with confidence.

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Blog - Hero - For Help Hiring and Managing Remote Employees, Download our Guide

Remote work is an essential component of today’s workforce. Many employers are finding that adding remote employees to their staff can be a great fit for their business needs. As telecommuters grow in the workforce and companies increase their reliance on distributed teams, it’s essential to understand recruitment, hiring, and effective management of team members who do most — or all — of their work outside of the company’s office.

Managing a Team

A Guide To Remote Employees

Building a distributed team? Discover keys to effectively hiring, onboarding, and managing remote employees and building a strong virtual team culture.

Download Guide

Navigating the various aspects of hiring and managing remote employees poses unique challenges. Our ebook is designed specifically to provide employers with guidance on this subject. From effectively recruiting remote employees to building and leading a remote team, you’ll find what you need to know to get started in this informative ebook.

Hiring Remote Employees

When it comes to finding the right candidates, there’s a lot of overlap between the commuting world and the remote, but you’re less restricted by geographic boundaries when searching for employees who will work virtually. Gain key recruiting and hiring insights from our ebook, including how to:

  • Utilize your company career page to your best advantage

  • Leverage external recruitment sources to identify remote candidates

  • Identify success factors necessary to excel as a remote team member

  • Adjust screening to identify candidates who will excel in a remote workplace

Managing Remote Employees

Once you’ve decided who to hire, the next step is to set up your remote employees for success. Not only will this benefit the people you hire, but it’ll also help maximize productivity and drive business results. Explore updated best practices for managing remote employees via our ebook:

  • Discover how to simplify and streamline the virtual onboarding process

  • Get helpful surveys, checklists and other remote employee management tools

  • Prepare managers to effectively supervise and lead remote teams

  • Adapt performance management and feedback processes to remote work

  • Gain insights into simple ways to build a strong, cohesive remote team

Download the ebook to dive into all the details. Also, keep in mind that Justworks can help businesses with many aspects of remote employment, even beyond what’s contained in this resource. From payroll to HR to compliance support in multiple states, we’ve got your back. Take the time to learn more about the features we offer and how we can help free up your time to focus on what you do best — building a strong business.

This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, legal or tax advice. If you have any legal or tax questions regarding this content or related issues, then you should consult with your professional legal or tax advisor.
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Written By
Blog Author - Justworks
May 13, 20212 minutes

Justworks is a technology company that levels the playing field for all small businesses. Through our software and as a partner, we help our customers take care of their teams, streamline their operations, and navigate the complex aspects of managing a workforce with confidence.

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Scale your business and build your team — no matter which way it grows. Access the tools, perks, and resources to help you stay compliant and grow in all 50 states.